Saturday, March 6, 2010

When Love Goes Wrong…Part One

When Love Goes Wrong…Part One March 4, 2010
Filed under: News — singlemothersoutreach @ 10:39 am

I Had To Say No…
a personal experience by Jinky Rodriquez

I had to say “no” when I realized I was in a wrong relationship. It is not fair to keep holding on to someone and waste each others energy and time. This person deserves happiness. I do not want to lead someone on when they deserve more.

I had to say “no” when I knew that the relationship was immoral. It can’t last. I deserve more than this. I am worth more than what he is offering. I had to walk out of his life forever because it makes a statement that I am a woman of honor. I may have fallen but I can stand up and say: I had renewal of mind, heart and spirit. Now that I have that, you’re no good for me. I have to let you go.

I had to say “no” to a verbally abusive relationship. I don’t want to end up thinking lowly of myself because of what this man says. I refuse to be used by this self-centered man who does nothing but complain and say terrible things about me and other people. He claims he helps people and when he does, it is because there is something there for him to benefit. Whatever he was after in me, I had to say “no”. I feel sick to my stomach when I don’t stand up for myself. That is how I knewthat this relationship and my decision to make a life with him was wrong. It brought me no peace and I knew I had to rectify it.

I thought helping him attain his goals would make him see how much I loved him. He knew how far would go and for that, he took me for granted. I had to put up with his mantra, “I will never change:” I thought I could persuade him to see it my way but he refused to budge. I realized that no matter how much I wanted it to work, I had to let it go—the privileges I had with him, our potential for more, our business and personal association. What’s the use of those when he treats you as less than, Jinky? I was not comfortable with him anymore. He robbed me of happiness, positive energy and peace of mind. No, I will not put up with that. I had to do the inevitable: Cut ties with him—completely.

I said “no” in these instances because “no” is “yes” : to my peace of mind. “Yes”, is respecting myself. “Yes” is for the better welfare of my child. “Yes” means trusting you have made the best decision you have ever made for yourself: Say “Yes” to choosing to be alone, yet contently happy. What’s the use of having a partner but and still being lonely? Definitely, a “NO” on my list.

Don’t make yourself mentally sick with people who are definitely not going to make you happy.
These types are not worth your time, energy, respect and definitely, your heart.

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